Take Our Survey (Phase 1)
This is the first of two short surveys for the Port Stanley Waterfront Master Plan. Throughout the study, we will ask for your feedback on proposed directions and recommendations as they are developed. As a first step, however, we need to know how residents use Port Stanley’s waterfront, and what types of improvements and/or new experiences would promote more interest in, and use of, this unique resource. This first survey, therefore, focuses on your household’s typical use of the waterfront and vision for its future.
While the current restrictions around COVID-19 do not permit the same level of access and interaction in public spaces, please answer the questions based on your pre-COVID activities and experience. Similarly, for questions dealing with the future of the waterfront, please think ahead to the time when full access will resume.
The survey should take less than ten minutes to complete. We understand participants often disagree with being required to answer questions in a survey, and it is not our intention to force people to do so. The software being used, however, sometimes needs a response to ensure the appropriate question sequencing after answering a yes, no or uncertain inquiry. These questions are marked with an asterisk (*). Please keep this in mind when answering. Also, when selecting the ‘other’ option in any question, the program will note the need to provide a response. If you do not want to provide anything specific, simply type ‘no comment.’
Please respond to the survey by February 28, 2022. Thank you for your interest in the future of Port Stanley’s waterfront.