Front Street Slope Stabilization

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Front Street is a residential road located on the north side of the former Lake Erie bluff slope in Port Stanley.  The Lake Erie bluff slope is currently experiencing erosion and movements which are encroaching towards Front Street.  Steel gravity bin-type retaining walls were installed in the 1970’s and 80’s near the top of the slope along several sections of Front Street to stabilize sections of the top of slope and to protect the street.  These gravity bin-walls have performed successfully over several decades.  Rehabilitation of the unprotected areas experiencing movements at the top of the slope, which may compromise the municipal road (Front Street), are to be addressed.

The Municipality of Central Elgin has retained Golder Associates Ltd. to complete a geotechnical exploration and testing program for the slope and existing gravity bin retaining walls.  In July 2018, the Final Report “Geotechnical Exploration – Front Street Slope Stability Review, Port Stanley, Municipality of Central Elgin, Ontario” was provided to the Municipality.  

In September 2019, the Municipality contracted with IBI Group Inc. to complete a Schedule B Environmental Assessment of the project and provide engineering design, cost estimate, contract documentation, and drawings for the project by September 2020.

The scope of the reconstruction project will include new gravity type bin retaining walls with subdrain, curb & gutter, asphalt road and granular structure renewal, new catch basins, new storm sewer, and drainage adjustments for the existing gravity type bin-walls.  Sanitary Sewers and watermains in the area do not require replacement.   

Local traffic accommodation, emergency service access, and other related services access (school bus, garbage pickup) is paramount and shall be thoroughly considered during the design for construction.

Front Street is a residential road located on the north side of the former Lake Erie bluff slope in Port Stanley. The Lake Erie bluff slope is currently experiencing erosion and movements which are encroaching towards Front Street. Steel gravity bin-type retaining walls were installed in the 1970’s and 80’s near the top of the slope along several sections of Front Street to stabilize sections of the top of slope and to protect the street. These gravity bin-walls have performed successfully over several decades. Rehabilitation of the unprotected areas experiencing movements at the top of the slope, which may compromise the municipal road (Front Street), are to be addressed.

The Municipality of Central Elgin has retained Golder Associates Ltd. to complete a geotechnical exploration and testing program for the slope and existing gravity bin retaining walls. In July 2018, the Final Report “Geotechnical Exploration – Front Street Slope Stability Review, Port Stanley, Municipality of Central Elgin, Ontario” was provided to the Municipality.

In September 2019, the Municipality contracted with IBI Group Inc. to complete a Schedule B Environmental Assessment of the project and provide engineering design, cost estimate, contract documentation, and drawings for the project by September 2020.

The scope of the reconstruction project will include new gravity type bin retaining walls with subdrain, curb & gutter, asphalt road and granular structure renewal, new catch basins, new storm sewer, and drainage adjustments for the existing gravity type bin-walls. Sanitary Sewers and watermains in the area do not require replacement.

Local traffic accommodation, emergency service access, and other related services access (school bus, garbage pickup) is paramount and shall be thoroughly considered during the design for construction.


Notice of Construction

For homeowners and affected residents on Front Street, see the attached Notice of Construction located on this page. Notice of Construction letters will be delivered to all affected residents prior to construction. The notice of construction, drawings, environmental assessment reports and Public Information Centre slide decks are all available for download in the Document Library – scroll down and located on the right side of your screen.

Front Street is a residential road located on the north side of the former Lake Erie bluff slope in Port Stanley. The Lake Erie bluff slope is currently experiencing erosion and movements which are encroaching towards Front Street. Steel gravity bin-type retaining walls were installed in the 1970’s and 80’s near the top of the slope along several sections of Front Street to stabilize sections of the top of slope and to protect the street. These gravity bin-walls have performed successfully over several decades. Rehabilitation of the unprotected areas experiencing movements at the top of the slope, which may compromise the municipal road (Front Street), are to be addressed.

The Municipality of Central Elgin has retained Golder Associates Ltd. to complete a geotechnical exploration and testing program for the slope and existing gravity bin retaining walls. In July 2018, the Final Report “Geotechnical Exploration – Front Street Slope Stability Review, Port Stanley, Municipality of Central Elgin, Ontario” was provided to the Municipality.

In September 2019, the Municipality contracted with IBI Group Inc. to complete a Schedule B Environmental Assessment of the project and provide engineering design, cost estimate, contract documentation, and drawings for the project by September 2020.

The scope of the reconstruction project will include new gravity type bin retaining walls with subdrain, curb & gutter, asphalt road and granular structure renewal, new catch basins, new storm sewer, and drainage adjustments for the existing gravity type bin-walls. Sanitary Sewers and watermains in the area do not require replacement.

Local traffic accommodation, emergency service access, and other related services access (school bus, garbage pickup) is paramount and shall be thoroughly considered during the design for construction.


Notice of Construction

For homeowners and affected residents on Front Street, see the attached Notice of Construction located on this page. Notice of Construction letters will be delivered to all affected residents prior to construction. The notice of construction, drawings, environmental assessment reports and Public Information Centre slide decks are all available for download in the Document Library – scroll down and located on the right side of your screen.

  • April 2024 Update

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    08 Apr 2024

    The project is progressing well. Sincere thanks to residents for their patience and understanding amidst the disruption.

  • Front Street Tender Awarded

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    12 Dec 2023

    At its Regular Meeting dated December 11, 2023, Council unanimously approved the submitted low tender bid from Cassidy Construction in the amount of $4,517,312.97 - a savings of over $600,000 from when the project was originally tendered in January 2023. . Council had previously given Staff direction to allow the Contract to commence as early as January 2, 2024. Cassidy Construction has informed staff that they may start as early as January 15, 2024 pending weather and supply availability. Works will be substantially completed Fall 2024 with final restoration in Spring 2025.

    As always, during the work, construction equipment will be on site and noise / dust will be factors during the construction. Please use caution walking and driving around construction equipment and crews. Please adhere to all guidance provided by traffic control persons and temporary construction signage to ensure a safe and successful project.

  • Tree Removal - Scheduled For This Week!

    Share Tree Removal - Scheduled For This Week! on Facebook Share Tree Removal - Scheduled For This Week! on Twitter Share Tree Removal - Scheduled For This Week! on Linkedin Email Tree Removal - Scheduled For This Week! link
    21 Nov 2022

    In anticipation of the Front Street Reconstruction and Slope Stabilization project, the Municipality of Central Elgin has retained the services of Zap’s Tree Service to remove habitable vegetation prior to the project commencing. Trees which are in conflict with proposed construction efforts will be removed. Trees have been reviewed, and catalogued by a Terrestrial and Wetland Biologist and recommended for removal with no chance of salvaging. The Municipality has also consulted with the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority and the Elgin County Tree Commissioner with regard to any required tree removal.

    Due to the bird and bat nesting windows, trees must be removed between November 1st and April 1st to ensure nesting species are not disturbed. Crews will be on site with traffic control set up to allow trees to be removed from the bluff. Thank you for your understanding, patience, and adherence to all signage during the works

  • Further Additions/Changes Made to Project File Report

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    24 Feb 2021

    Revisions have been made to the Project File Report as per the Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism, and Culture Industries' (MHSTCI) comments below and the recent Ministry of Environment Conservation & Parks (MECP) letter. A revised report will be posted soon.

    This Project File Report was initially finalized and dated December 16, 2020 and revised in January 2021. Since then, some further additions or changes have been made to the report in February 2021 in response to agency input. The location of these additions or changes are highlighted in the revised Project File Report. The revisions relate to the clarification of Cultural Heritage Resources, the clarification on Archaeological Resources and the incorporation of Ministry of Environment Conservation & Parks’ comments on Species at Risk ”

    Sandra Hayman, P. Eng. IBI Group

  • Environmental Assessment Project File Report Update

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    06 Jan 2021

    The Front Street Slope Stabilization and Road Reconstruction Environmental Assessment Project File Report was initially finalized and dated December 16, 2020. Since then, some additions or changes have been made to the report in 2021 in response to public input. The location of these additions or changes are highlighted in the revised Project File Report and can be found in the Project Document Library on the main project page on the Let’s Talk Central Elgin website. The revisions relate to the limit of the bin type retaining walls at the eastern limits of the project.

  • Notice of Study Completion

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    16 Dec 2020
    supporting image

    Front Street Slope Stabilization and Road Reconstruction Environmental Assessment

    The Municipality of Central Elgin has completed an Environmental Assessment Schedule ‘B’ for the Front Street Slope Stabilization and Road Reconstruction project which includes the review of alternatives for storm drainage measures related to slope stabilization along Front Street at the Erie Bluffs. The project area will extend approximately 590m along Front Street.

    The Municipality’s focus is to stabilize the top of slope along Front Street. The work will include new gravity type bin retaining walls with subdrains, concrete curb and gutter, new asphalt roadway (including granular and drainage adjustments) and new storm sewer/catchbasins with a suitable outlet at the bottom of the bluff. The recommended and preferred alternative is designed to minimize impacts to the natural, social and economic environments.

    The Class EA process included public, First Nations and agency consultation, and investigations with respect to the natural environment, archaeological, cultural heritage, and stormwater drainage.

    The study was undertaken in accordance with the requirements of a Schedule ‘B’ project as outlined in the Municipal Engineers Association’s Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (October 2000, as amended in 2007, 2011 and 2015).

    The Environmental Assessment provides preferred design concepts for the storm sewers and slope stabilization, including evaluation criteria, recommendations and mitigation of impacts. This report was prepared to document the decision-making process of the preferred design. The Environmental Assessment has been placed on public record for a thirty (30) calendar day public review period and is available at the following locations beginning December 16, 2020:

    The Municipality of Central Elgin, 450 Sunset Drive, 1st Floor, St. Thomas, ON (by appointment only)

    Library: Port Stanley Library, 332 Carlow Road, Port Stanley, ON

    Website: - Front Street project page

    Interested persons may provide written comments to our project team by January 16, 2021. All comments and concerns should be sent directly to the following team members.

    Tyler Erickson, P.Eng., Manager of Capital Projects, Municipality of Central Elgin, P: 519.631.4860 ext. 272, E: link)

    Sandra Hayman, P.Eng., Project Manager IBI Group, P: 519-472-7328 ext. 63003, E: link)

    In addition, a request may be made to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks for an order requiring a higher level of study (i.e. requiring an individual/comprehensive EA approval before being able to proceed), or that conditions be imposed (e.g. require further studies), only on the grounds that the requested order may prevent, mitigate or remedy adverse impacts on constitutionally protected Aboriginal and treaty rights. Requests on other grounds will not be considered. Requests should include the requester contact information and full name for the ministry.

    Requests should specify what kind of order is being requested (request for additional conditions or a request for an individual/comprehensive environmental assessment), how an order may prevent, mitigate or remedy those potential adverse impacts, and any information in support of the statements in the request. This will ensure that the ministry is able to efficiently begin reviewing the request.

    The request should be sent in writing or by email to:

    Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks, 777 Bay Street, 5th Floor, Toronto ON M7A 2J3, and

    Director, Environmental Assessment Branch, Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks, 135 St. Clair Ave. W, 1st Floor, Toronto ON, M4V 1P5, link)

    Requests should also be sent to the Municipality of Central Elgin by mail or by e-mail.

    This Notice issued December 16, 2020.

    Information will be collected in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record.

  • Share Public Information Center - Zoom Webinar Link on Facebook Share Public Information Center - Zoom Webinar Link on Twitter Share Public Information Center - Zoom Webinar Link on Linkedin Email Public Information Center - Zoom Webinar Link link
    15 Dec 2020
    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    The Zoom Webinar will begin with a brief introduction and a presentation of the work completed thus far. All participants will be muted during the presentation. At the end of the presentation, a question and answer period will commence. If you wish to ask a question, please use the “raise your hand” button and the host will unmute your mic when your turn comes.

    You are invited to a Zoom webinar.

    When: Nov 4, 2020 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

    Topic: Front Street Public Information Webinar

    Please click the link below to join the webinar: link)

    Passcode: 630884

    Or iPhone one-tap :

    Canada: +12042727920,,89881568892# or +14388097799,,89881568892#

    Or Telephone:

    Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):

    Canada: +1 204 272 7920 or +1 438 809 7799 or +1 587 328 1099 or +1 647 374 4685 or +1 647 558 0588 or +1 778 907 2071

    Webinar ID: 898 8156 8892

    International numbers available: link)

  • Notice of Public Information Center

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    27 Oct 2020

    An online Public Information Center will be available on Wednesday, November 4, 2020 @ 6:00 p.m.

    A Zoom Webinar link will be provided on this project page on the above noted day. The meeting/webinar will consist of a presentation by IBI Group of the work completed and the recommended alternative to the slope stability project. A question and answer period will follow. Further details on the meeting/webinar will be provided on the above noted day.

  • Updates to Come!

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    30 Dec 2019

    Updates to Come!

Page last updated: 08 Apr 2024, 11:42 AM